12 Jul Farmers Market Moving to New Location

Farmers Market Moving to New Location

Jul 9, 2021
North Union Farmers Market Is MOOving To A New Location At Crocker Park
The Outdoor Market Will Be Located At The Corner Of Crocker Rd. & Detroit Rd. Beginning July 10 At 9am
The North Union Farmers Market presented by Julie Billiart Schools is relocating at Crocker Park! Beginning Saturday, July 10, visitors can explore a wide range of products fresh from their favorite farmers in the open area in front of Fidelity Investments at the Crocker Rd. & Detroit Rd. Lot.
“The North Union Farmers Market has been a staple event for us every week for 16 years here at Crocker Park,” said Stacie Schmidt, Vice President of Marketing and Communications for Stark Enterprises. “We are thrilled to move them to a more open location where convenience for both the farmers selling and the visitors shopping can be made simple!”
Beginning Saturday, July 10, the North Union Farmers Market presented by Julie Billiart Schools will open in the brand-new location at the Crocker Rd. & Detroit Rd. Lot located at 1800 Crocker Rd., in front of Fidelity Investments. The new outdoor location will allow easier flow while visitors are shopping and gives the ability for more farmers to join the market and offer their goods and products. The market will continue to offer fresh produce, meats, cheeses, baked goods and more with the continued goal of supporting our local communities and farmers. The market will operate normal business hours, 9am-1pm, through December in the new location.
“We love being in the energy and atmosphere of Crocker Park every Saturday morning,” said Krista Di Lisi, Event & Market Manager for North Union Farmers Market. “We are thrilled to be able to move to our new location and allow more visitors and farmers to join and support this weekend tradition!”
You can view the map for the new location here. For more information on North Union Farmers Market presented by Julie Billiart Schools, meet the farmers and view recipe ideas, visit northunionfarmersmarket.org. Stay up to date on all the news at Crocker Park by visiting crockerpark.com and following @CrockerPark on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.