21 Nov A Tree Lighting Thank You

A Tree Lighting Thank You

A Tree Lighting Thank You
We just wanted to take a quick moment to say thanks to each and every one of you who came out to celebrate #TreeLighting with us! It was a magical evening and we couldn’t have done it without you. So incredibly grateful for your support now and throughout the years! 🙏
Here are a few photos we snapped during the Tree Lighting event yesterday. There were so many incredible moments to capture so please check back soon as we continue to update the page with new pics of all the great happenings throughout Crocker Park. 📸
We’d also like to remind you that all of our #HolidayExperiences are no officially open for the Christmas season! Visit crockerpark.com/play to view all the #HolidayExperiences happening at Crocker Park. And stay up to date on all holiday events and programs at our new Holiday Only page @holidaysatcrockerpark on Facebook and Instagram.