10 Aug Tricks & Treats Returns October 30th

Tricks & Treats Returns October 30th

Aug 10, 2021
Crocker Park Hosting Annual Tricks & Treats Event Saturday, October 30
Outdoor Halloween Event Presented by Sylvan Learning Center of Westlake Takes Place From 12pm-3pm
Mark your calendars and get ready for some Halloween fun with Crocker Park’s annual Tricks & Treats presented by Sylvan Learning Center of Westlake Saturday, October 30 from 12pm-3pm. Kick off the Halloween weekend with this fun community event which includes outdoor trick-or-treat plus a line-up of family friendly activities and attractions all afternoon.
“Who doesn’t love fall, and all the fun that goes with it, including Halloween,” said Stacie Schmidt, Vice President of Marketing & Communications for Stark Enterprises. “October is the month when the park transitions to fall and what better way to celebrate the season then with a family friendly outdoor safe Tricks & Treats event! We have loved seeing all of the kids dress up year after year and enjoy hosting the community like we are their own neighborhood to trick or treat in!!”
Crocker Park’s Tricks & Treats event presented by Sylvan Learning Center of Westlake invites families to dress up in their Halloween costumes and go trick or treating around the park to the various participating stores and restaurants. Additional activities and attractions throughout the afternoon include:
• A vendor village spread out all throughout Main Street
• “Spooky” Express Train Rides presented by Birchwood School of Hawken
• Local food trucks
• Kid-friendly entertainment
Keep a look out the day of the event for participating businesses with a pumpkin poster in their window signifying they will be passing out candy from their front door. For more information, check out the event page: crockerpark.com/tricksandtreats. Stay tuned for all news and happenings by following @CrockerPark on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and visiting crockerpark.com.
Interested in becoming a vendor or being apart of Crocker Park’s Tricks & Treats event? Email Lisa Pianecki at lpianecki@starkenterprises.com to learn more.